Career Options

The Chartered Economist® Designation serves as a benchmark of competency in the profession and is recognized as the leading credential in Chartered Economist worldwide.

Some of the Designations which Chartered Economist Designation holder has are:

  • Actuarial Analyst.
  • Data Analyst.
  • Economist.
  • Financial & Economic Risk Analyst.
  • Statistician.
  • Management Consultant.
  • Quantity Surveyor.

Career Jobs Salaries in Economcs

  • Higher salaries. Earn up to 16% more than your non-certified peers.
  • Increases job security – validatesyour competency in Economic Analysis, Research, Economic Modeling and Creating Economic Reports.
  • Better career flexibility - prepares you for greater on-the-job responsibilities.
  • Improves marketability - stand out against other applicants in a tough job market.
  • Boosts relevancy - staysupdated in the profession with continuing education requirements.

Average Salaries

Chartered Economist® salary will vary based on the type of job, years of work experience, employer and other factors. Using information gathered from various sources, the range of Chartered Economist salaries based upon job type range from:

Actuarial Analyst. - $68,124 - $80,068
Data Analyst - $50,454 – $73,616
Economist - $99,180 - $176,960
Financial & Economic Risk Analyst - $99,100 - $128,830
Statistician - $80,500 - $130,090
Management Consultant - $73,500 - $106,522
Quantity Surveyor - $52,500 - %80,960

Additional Information

Your earnings may even surpass industry standards with an advanced degree and relevant work experience.

Chartered Economist’s Total Compensation

It is important to note that the quoted Chartered® Economist salaries constitute base pay only and do not include bonus or profit sharing components. According to the survey conducted by AAFM USA, the average total compensation received by Chartered Economist Designation holders located in the US was $109,230 as of May, 2015 as per the survey of Bureau of Labour Statistics (BLS, USA). Becominga Chartered Economist is perhaps one of the most important career decisions that you can make as the Chartered Economist Designation has a global presence. It is also a solid resume enhancer and will provide stable long term employment, substantial Chartered Economist salaries and excellent benefits.